Facelift & Neck Lift

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Risks of Surgery

All surgical procedures carry risks and the potential for complications. While Dr Milovic is extensively trained and experienced with a comprehensive array of plastic surgery procedures and utilises advanced techniques to help mitigate those risks, patients considering treatment should always be fully aware of them beforehand. Dr Milovic will go over all risks and potential complications associated with the procedure during the initial consultation, and we are happy to address any questions or concerns you may have.

Risks of this procedure include, but are not limited to:

  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Pain/discomfort
  • Nerve damage
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Complications relating to anaesthesia
  • Seroma (a growth/lump near the surgery site that may become infectious)
  • Unsatisfactory cosmetic results
  • Death
  • Poor wound healing
  • Potential for an additional surgery
  • Blood clots
  • Thrombosis
  • Cardiac complications
  • Pulmonary complications
  • Injury to the facial nerves, which may be accompanied by weakness
  • Numbness or other changes in sensation in the treatment area
  • Skin discolouration/irregularities
  • Hair loss at the incision sites which may be temporary or permanent
  • Asymmetry
  • Visible deformities at or near the incision sites

What Is Facelift & Neck Lift Surgery?

Facelift and neck lift are two highly customised procedures. Dr Milovic avoids using conventional methods, which can create a mask-like look or pulled-tight appearance. He is skilled and experienced in performing a variety of advanced facelift techniques and offers specific expertise in the deep plane facelift procedure. He also performs less invasive facelift procedures, such as the MACS lift and S-Lift. For some patients, Dr Milovic may recommend a hybrid facelift, which incorporates 24k facial fat grafting along with a facelift.

What Are the Different Types of Facelift & Neck Lift Surgery?

Deep Plane Facelift

A deep plane facelift is designed to tighten the deep musculature of the face. This procedure should only be performed by a highly experienced surgeon, like Dr Milovic, with an excellent understanding of facial nerve and anatomical structures.

Hybrid Facelift

If you are having the hybrid facelift, 24k nanofat transfer will also be performed during your surgery. During the 24k fat transfer, fat harvested from another area of your body using liposuction is purified to a healthy, golden yellow (often combined with your own stem cells) and reinjected into areas of the face and/or lips.

MACS Facelift

The MACS facelift, which stands for “minimal access cranial suspension,” is a less invasive facelift technique that involves tightening the underlying muscles of the face and removing excess skin, as needed.

S-Lift (Composite Facelift)

The S-Lift, also known as a composite facelift, is a type of mini-facelift that can address mild to moderate sagging. During this procedure, an S-shaped incision is made within the hairline and ear, through which Dr Milovic can reposition underlying tissues and remove excess fat and skin.

Who Is a Candidate for Facelift and Neck Lift?

Most facelifts and neck lifts are performed for women and men aged between 50 to 70. Candidates should be in good health, have realistic expectations about the results they can achieve and be willing to abstain from smoking for a period of six weeks before and after surgery to promote healing. If you are considering facial rejuvenation surgery, Dr Milovic will examine your face and neck during your initial consultation and discuss how a personalised surgical plan can meet your goals and expectations.


What Happens During a Facelift and Neck Lift?

Traditional or conventional face lifting techniques don’t necessarily take into account the fact that the face ages as a single, dynamic unit, rather than as a series of static, independent parts. Over time, traditional facelifts can lead to a tight, “windswept” and unnatural-looking appearance. For this reason, Dr Milovic performs facelifts and neck lifts using only the most advanced surgical techniques, such as the deep plane, hybrid facelift, MACS lift and S-Lift (composite facelift).

The surgery will be performed in an accredited operating facility under either general anaesthesia or sedation, and usually requires an overnight hospital stay. Dr Milovic engages the services of a qualified anaesthetist to perform your sedation or general anaesthesia. For your safety, we ask that you provide an up-to-date list of all your medications and allergies before the surgery.

The procedure can take between four to six hours to complete, depending on which technique is used. The incisions used to accomplish your facelift and or neck lift will depend on the specific details of your surgical plan. Typically, any incisions will be well-hidden or camouflaged within the hairline, behind the ear, in front of the ear and/or beneath the chin. Through the incisions, Dr Milovic can remove excess skin, lift and tighten the deep connective tissue, adjust the underlying musculature, remove/add fat deposits and redrape the skin.

What Is Recovery Like After a Facelift and Neck Lift?

Recovery time will vary from patient to patient and will also depend on the extent of the surgery. It typically takes at least two to four weeks before all swelling and bruising disappears (depending on the extensiveness of the lift). Numbness can also occur around the ears, but this will usually resolve within a few weeks. You may find it difficult to smile due to the tension and swelling. Dr Milovic may recommend mild pain medication. You will be given post-surgery instructions to follow and if you have any questions, please speak to Dr Milovic.

What Do Facelift and Neck Lift Results Look Like?

To explore before and after photos of facelift and neck lift patients, we invite you to take a look at our gallery. Please note that patient results may vary, and no two cases are the same.

Why Choose Dr Milovic for Facelift & Neck Lift Surgery?

Dr Milovic is an experienced Rhytidectomy (face lift) and neck lift surgeon. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian Society of Plastic Surgeons (FRACS) in the specialty of plastic surgery and has more than 30 years of experience in practice, not to mention his memberships with Australian and International plastic surgery professional associations. Dr Milovic is also a reconstructive microsurgeon, which requires a detailed understanding of facial anatomy and structures. He consistently uses state-of-the-art techniques for each procedure and prioritises both patient satisfaction and natural-looking results.

Will I Have Scars After My Facelift and Neck Lift?

As with all surgery, there will be scarring after a facelift and neck lift and there can be no guarantee for a perfect outcome. Dr Milovic will aim to keep your scars as inconspicuous as possible, and is happy to recommend treatments, e.g. silicone gel and laser procedures, to potentially expedite their healing.

Additional Frequently Asked Questions About Facelift Surgery

The decision to undergo a facelift and neck lift can be daunting. We encourage you to direct any questions about the procedure to Dr Milovic or another member of our staff. The following are some of the most frequently asked questions Dr Milovic is asked about facelift and neck lift.

Is a Facelift Painful?

Because anaesthesia or sedation will be administered throughout the procedure, patients generally should not experience significant discomfort. Please note, however, that pain is subjective and certain patients are liable to find the surgery more uncomfortable than others. Further, during your recovery, any numbness, tension or other symptoms can usually be mitigated with mild pain medication.

Does a Facelift Always Include a Neck Lift?

The effects of a facelift will often include tightening and contouring of the neck, simply because the neck is in close proximity to the area a facelift traditionally addresses (the lower third of the face). Moreover, your procedure does not need to include separate neck lift methods unless your neck is your specific area of concern. During your consultation, Dr Milovic will help you determine the strategy that may best meet your goals.

Does a Facelift Address the Entire Face?

Whereas a traditional facelift targets the mid and lower face, Dr Milovic understands that many patients want to address additional or alternative areas.

Is There an Ideal Age for Facelift Surgery?

As every patient’s experience is unique, there is no single “ideal” age for facelift surgery. If you are interested in this procedure, Dr Milovic will happily meet with you to help determine whether it is right for you, or if perhaps you should consider it at a more opportune time.

How Can I Reduce Swelling After a Facelift & Neck Lift?

Swelling after a facelift and neck lift can usually be mitigated by sleeping in an elevated position, reducing salt in the diet, drinking plenty of water and getting sufficient rest as you recover. Keep in mind that swelling is a normal reaction to this surgery and is seldom cause for alarm. Dr Milovic will provide you with personalised aftercare instructions before beginning treatment.

How Should I Sleep After Facelift Surgery?

Following your facelift surgery, it is vital that you sleep in a position that can support healing, limit contact with the treatment area and potentially prevent swelling. As such, Dr Milovic generally recommends the patient sleeps on their back with their head elevated.*

Is Facelift and Neck Lift Surgery Different for Males vs. Females

Gender does not play a large role in the course of this surgery; however, the placement of incisions may differ somewhat between males and females. This is because Dr Milovic often places incisions within the hairline (depending, of course, upon the technique being utilised), and males and females typically part their hair differently. In addition, males and females often have different goals for their facelift and neck lift results, as males tend to desire a firmer, more pronounced jaw and females usually prefer a softer, more feminine effect. In any case, Dr Milovic will tailor your results to suit your aesthetic goals and gender identity.

Medical Resources*

Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons