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Signs You May Be Ready for a Facelift

Patients often wonder whether they are ready for facelift surgery. Typically, the case is different for each individual and a consultation with our specialist plastic surgeon in Melbourne—Dr Vlad Milovic—is the best way to find out if a facelift is suitable for you. When considering your candidacy for facelift surgery, Dr Milovic will perform a comprehensive facial evaluation, examining the quality of your skin, tissue and musculature as well as the underlying bone structure. He will also ask about your specific areas of concern and any goals you have regarding surgery to ensure that he can meet your expectations and deliver an optimal result.

The timing of surgery in the ageing process and the techniques used during the procedure play a significant role in the final outcomes patients achieve. This makes it important to meet with an experienced facelift surgeon as soon as you are concerned about your appearance. If you choose to see Dr Milovic for a consultation, he can develop a highly personalised surgical plan. Dr Milovic’s patients also benefit from his “hybrid” facelift technique, which incorporates 24K nanofat grafting to replenish volume depletion together with lifting the face. This advanced technique is world-renowned and represents the current pinnacle of facelift innovation.

For more information about facial rejuvenation, please contact our office to schedule your facelift consultation with Dr Milovic.