When the presence of excess breast tissue, fat and/or skin creates the appearance of accentuated male breasts, Dr Vlad Milovic can utilise a variety of advanced surgical techniques to recontour the chest.
- Male Breast Reduction Risks
- What Is Male Breast Reduction (Gynaecomastia Surgery)?
- What Is Gynaecomastia?
- What Is Pseudogynaecomastia?
- Gynaecomastia Symptoms
- Male Breast Reduction Candidates
- Male Breast Reduction Treatment Options
- Anaesthesia & Male Breast Reduction
- Male Breast Reduction Procedure
- Male Breast Reduction Recovery
- Male Breast Reduction Scars
- Male Breast Reduction Results
- Gynaecomastia Surgery Before & After Photos
- Additional Gynaecomastia FAQS
Risks of Surgery
All surgical procedures carry risks and the potential for complications. While Dr Milovic is extensively trained and experienced with a comprehensive array of plastic surgery procedures and utilizes advanced techniques to help mitigate those risks, patients considering treatment should always be fully aware of them beforehand. Dr Milovic will go over all risks and potential complications associated with the procedure during the initial consultation, and we are happy to address any questions or concerns you may have.
Risks of this procedure include, but are not limited to:
- Infection
- Scarring
- Excessive bleeding
- Pain/discomfort
- Nerve damage
- Bruising
- Swelling
- Complications relating to anaesthesia
- Seroma (a growth/lump near the surgery site that may become infectious)
- Unsatisfactory cosmetic results
- Death
- Poor wound healing
- Potential for an additional surgery
- Blood clots
- Breast asymmetry
- Irregular shape of the breasts and breast contours
- Temporary or permanent alterations in breast/nipple sensation
- Damage to blood vessels, nerves, lungs, muscles, and/or abdominal organs that could potentially be permanent
- Thrombosis
- Cardiac complications
- Pulmonary complications
- Nipple skin loss
- Inverted nipples
- Tissue necrosis
What Is Male Breast Reduction (Gynaecomastia Surgery)?
Male breast reduction is a customised surgical procedure designed to contour the male chest. The formation of noticeable male breasts can have many causes—including gynaecomastia, significant weight fluctuations, genetics, hormonal changes, steroid use and certain medications. Regardless of the cause, Dr Milovic can create a personalised male breast reduction treatment plan, including liposuction and/or excision techniques. The areolae (the darker skin that surrounds the nipple), which can be stretched or oversized, can also be reduced.
What Is Gynaecomastia?
Gynaecomastia is the development of overabundant breast tissue which creates the appearance of breasts in males. This condition can occur in one or both breasts. While gynaecomastia can become noticeable during puberty, it may resolve as hormones achieve balance. When the condition persists into adulthood, men may consider plastic surgery. Typically, excision methods are best suited for men with gynaecomastia, as the glandular breast tissue must be removed to create a smoother, tighter contour. If excess skin and fat are also present, then a variety of techniques may be indicated to achieve optimal results.
What Is Pseudogynaecomastia?
Pseudogynaecomastia is a condition that may appear to be gynaecomastia; however, unlike gynaecomastia, pseudogynaecomastia is caused by a presence of excess fat, rather than enlarged breast tissue. For mild cases of pseudogynaecomastia, liposuction alone can usually provide adequate fat reduction. To reduce the prominence of larger male breasts, liposuction may be combined with additional excision and reduction techniques.
What Are the Symptoms of Gynaecomastia?
Signs of gynaecomastia often become noticeable due to hormonal changes that occur during puberty. While in some men the condition resolves after a period of time, gynaecomastia can persist into adulthood for others. Gynaecomastia is typically characterised by enlarged or swollen breast tissue (which may or may not feel tender) and can be accompanied by the presence of excess fat tissue and/or enlarged areolae.
Who Is a Candidate for Male Breast Reduction Surgery?
If you are unhappy with the appearance of your chest and the condition is causing you embarrassment, Dr Milovic can examine your chest area during a consultation and evaluate how gynaecomastia treatment can achieve an improvement. Any male with enlarged breasts who is in good health and is a non-smoker (or is prepared to give up smoking for at least six weeks before and after surgery) may be suited to undergoing gynaecomastia correction or male breast reduction. Treatment is a very personal decision and you should have realistic goals and expectations before undergoing any surgical intervention.
Will I Need Anaesthesia During Male Breast Reduction?
Gynaecomastia correction and male breast reduction surgery are typically day procedures performed under general anaesthesia or twilight sedation. While anaesthesia is generally considered safe and effective, please be aware that it does have some risks. For patient safety, Dr Milovic chooses only to engage the services of a qualified anaesthetist who is a Fellow of the Royal Australian and NZ College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA).
Prior to your surgery, you will be asked to provide a current list of all of your medications and allergies. For more information, we welcome you to discuss anaesthesia or sedation with Dr Milovic.
What Happens During the Male Breast Reduction Procedure?
Depending upon your general health and the extent of the procedure, gynaecomastia surgery is typically performed as a day procedure or alternatively with an overnight hospital stay. Dr Milovic will only perform your gynaecomastia surgery in accredited operating facilities. Once you are anaesthetised, Dr Milovic will perform the surgical procedure as planned, likely using a combination of techniques to create the best possible outcome. Any incisions will be as hidden as possible. Once the chest has been sufficiently recontoured, the incisions will be closed and bandaged. You may also be placed into a compression garment to control swelling and promote proper healing.
What Can I Expect During Recovery After Gynaecomastia Surgery?
Recovery time will vary from patient to patient and will also depend on the extent of the surgery. Expect at least seven days off from work and allow for three weeks for most, if not all, swelling and bruising to disappear. Light exercise, such as walking, may be resumed within two to three days, but strenuous exercise should be avoided for at least two to three months. You will be given aftercare instructions to follow and if you have any questions, please call our offices.
Will I Have Scars After Male Breast Reduction Surgery?
As a major cosmetic surgery, male breast reduction will cause scarring; however, rest assured that Dr Milovic always strives to minimise noticeable scarring by carefully placing incisions.
If you so desire, Dr Milovic can recommend several solutions (such as silicone gel and laser treatments) to potentially expedite the healing of your scars.
How Long Do Male Breast Reduction Results Last?
While excess skin, tissue and/or fat are permanently removed during male breast reduction surgery, certain post-surgical lifestyle habits can be employed to help reap the full benefits of the procedure into the future. For instance, maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine can lower chances of weight gain and resurgence of excess fat in the breasts. Steroids and select medications which can interfere with testosterone levels should be avoided where possible.
Dr Milovic can talk more with you about any medications you may currently be taking and address those concerns. Additionally, he can provide you with further instructions for maintaining your results during your consultation.
Male Breast Reduction (Gynaecomastia) Before & After Photos
If you are interested in finding out more about what your male breast reduction or gynaecomastia correction results could look like, we invite you to explore our gallery of before-and-after photos. These images feature Dr Milovic’s patients. When you come to our office for your consultation, Dr Milovic can show you more photos of patients whose cases are similar to your own, so that you can set your expectations appropriately.
Additional Frequently Asked Questions About Gynaecomastia
How Common Is Gynaecomastia?
Gynaecomastia is very common, affecting approximately 50% of men worldwide. The condition is especially prevalent in men older than 50.
Can Gynaecomastia Be Treated with Exercise?
In answering this popular question, it is important to note that while excess fatty tissue (e.g., “pseudogynaecomastia”) can be mitigated with exercise in some cases, gynaecomastia caused by excess skin or glandular tissue (sometimes referred to as “true gynaecomastia”) often cannot. This is because breast tissue does not respond to exercise or diet in the same way fat does.
Is Gynaecomastia Surgery Painful?
As male breast reduction surgery is typically performed using general anaesthesia, there should be little to no opportunity for discomfort throughout the procedure itself. You may notice some degree of swelling and soreness as you heal, but these reactions are typically quite normal and should subside in the weeks following surgery.